My Poor Blog

I apologize to you, my poor little neglected blog, for just that. Neglecting you. I am so consumed with every image and every post being perfect that I end up not posting anything. I have learned a few very important lessons today. Lesson #1. Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time. Now if that quote wasn't said just for for me then...well let's just say it was. Lesson #2. Dreams can come true if we merely make the decision that they will. That one I wrote on my own. You can have it if you want, gratis.

So here is to imperfect action. No more whining about being scared to do something. No more procrastinating because some post or some image or some business card design isn't absolutely flawless. I am here to embrace my mistakes and learn from them. Not to do nothing at all so mistakes won't be made. I get so sick of living life afraid. God has confirmed for me so many times in so many ways that photography is what I need to be doing right now, and I waste that every time I sit frozen in inaction.

John and I started an intentional 40 days of prayer about a week ago focused on our careers. We wanted some clarity and direction from the Lord on my business and his decision to become a youth minister. Money is a bit tight at the moment-he has a youth internship this summer and if you don't knowit-internships don't usually pay the bills. I own a business that is making just enough to pay advertising costs (barely!) and isn't anywhere close to paying bills for us. I know, it's a sad story, right? So instead of sitting around in a cloud of used kleenex, we decided to ask the Lord to help us. And wouldn't you know...the second day of our 40 days a friend calls John and said the company he works for is looking for a part time, temporary employee and would John like to start on Monday? Umm, not a coincidence. John's extra job is helping to make ends meet and reminding us that when we just ask the Lord for help, that's exactly what he'll do.

So here starts an experiment. I'm going to try 40 days of blogging.  Pictures or no pictures, perfect or imperfect, inspirational or idiotic rambling, I'm going to blog every day for 40 days. I'm going to swallow my pride, work on being transparent, and see what happens. Maybe nothing. Maybe I'll have the same 4 followers at the end as I do now. Maybe it will still be Charise that comments and no one else. (btw, thanks for always commenting sister) Whatever happens, I'll know that I can do it.

Here's maybe my favorite image from camp last week.
Day 1 of 40.


Teresa said…
Good for you Chels. He will provide ...
Unknown said…
I have the same issue Chelsea. Not only with blogging but wit editing. I seem to want each photo to be a "work of art" and it is taking me wayyy too long to get through a session. I am very frustrated.
Jasmine said…
One of my good friends say that the path to perfection leads to procrastination. So true!
Keep blogging and pushing yourself forward...God is good enough to keep opening all the right doors! :)
Unknown said…
40 days? Ok...You got it dude-ette...I will commit to blogging with you...40 days! Pictures or no Pictures! I will be there with you every step of the way...I TOTALLY BELIEVE IN YOU!! I LOVE YOU! Blogger, here we come!
Aislinn said…
Beautiful post. Transparency takes bravery and I'm afraid I haven't quite perfected it yet, but I'm trying and praying and I take tremendous comfort from knowing that there are others out there with the same struggle and the same dream. Your work is amazing and the Lord will provide. Keep praying. I know that good things will come your way.
Danielle said…
C - I always read your blog and follow your pictures. It will be nice to read you for 40 straight days! Hopefully it will become habit and I will ready for 80+ days in a row!

Heres to you Kid for commiting not only to Jesus, but yourself and us readers.

Love you C!

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