The Goat Cookoff. And yes, I fear goats may have been harmed in the making. Sorry.

Life in a small town may just be all it's cracked up to be. Goldthwaite City Park filled with pecan trees and vendors selling goat burgers mixed in with faces of souls that I am growing more and more attached to, it's all becoming routine -and I am loving the rhythm of it. Who knew that in such a short time I would convert from a tied up city girl to a country girl with real cowboy boots (and places to wear said boots). Get this-I actually liked the goat meat. Weird, right? Chowed down on it and wanted more. Maybe it was a Fried Green Tomatoes moment, you know, "secret's in the sauce". Whatever the case may be, I find myself in moments quite often where I simply must stand back, feel the sunshine, and take a breath. Sending up a prayer of thanksgiving for this simple life of blessings. 

Some of the faces in Goldthwaite. I am loving these kids.

Poor fellar. I really did feel bad for the guy.

This is the cooked-off goat. It was totally delish.

My new boots. I'm a real cowgirl now! (or at least a little bit closer than I was)

Betcha can't guess who this handsome cowboy is! 

Michael and Marlena, our cowboy church friends.

Patrick and Emily, our First Baptist friends.

BJ and Jeffri, our Fellowship Baptist friends. And our cheerleader/gymanst/cool dinner time entertainment friends.

Picture time-John gets something in his eye, Izzy is distracted in the background, and we're losing the good light. Oh well.


Unknown said…
I have never had any goat meat at all. I am glad you had fun with all of your friends. Their different church categorizations made me laugh : )
Teresa said…
So glad to see this post -- how fun! Maybe next year we can come to the goat cookoff! I feel sorry for the little feller too... I love the boots and the picture of you helping John get that thing out of his eye.

You are really good at blogging... More please!

<3 <3
Zane said…
Dang. I need to visit Goathwaite!

Looks like you guys had a great day. And I noticed Izzy in the background before I read your caption.

Why boots? Does not compute. I'm thinking toe shoes.

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