
I have really big dreams. There are so many things I want to do with this life that is so short. Some may be noble, most are not. Whenever I get down on myself and I feel like my life is unproductive, I think about these dreams I have for myself and my family and I think about them coming true. I feel like if I can visualize them they have a better chance of coming true. I think I'll just make a list.

-Build my dream home.
-Buy awesome furniture for my dream home and paint it cool colors.
-Learn to play piano.
-Go on vacations. There are lots of places I want to travel, so this would be another list in and of itself.
-See Garth Brooks perform live. This might be tough.
-Watch my business take off.
-Raise smart children.
-Run a half marathon.

The thing about having dreams and setting goals is understanding the possibility that they might not happen. There is only so much I can do to make these happen, mostly, I have to trust that the Lord is good and He is the giver of these dreams. But as far as it is up to me, I want to work hard to make these a reality. I have to do my part in conquering my fears and taking steps to make these happen. I am so blessed that I have a God that loves me unconditionally.

Tonight, think about your dreams. What do you want?


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