Yappy Irth Ah
Last night we had some awesome new friends over for dinner. Patrick and Emily just moved to Goldthwaite 3 months ago, he's the youth pastor at the Baptist church here in town. It's so cool, I just feel like everything that happens to us here is so blessed. One of the things I was most afraid of when moving here was not making friends our own age. Kind of limited in a town of 1800 people. Last week, my first Wednesday night with the youth, I met Emily. Within minutes, I knew we were going to be friends. She's hilarious, spunky, and artistic. She paints, quilts, sews, and makes pottery! I am so excited to put our crafty brains together and see what adventures we come up with! When we were talking we discovered our birthdays are one day apart. Happy Birthday today Emily! Mine is tomorrow, so we decided we would have ourselves a little dinner party. Emily brought a cute little cake, which our husbands, not sure which one because no one ever 'fessed up, turned "Happy Birthday" into what you see there on the cake. There were many more jokes made, lots and lots of good belly laughs, a rousing game of Farkle, and a silly cake. What a huge blessing their friendship already has been and I know is going to continue to be!