Adventures in Weagle-ing.

Frisbee is not just a toy to Izzy. Frisbee has become more of a way of life. I do not exaggerate. I think the only time Izzy is not thinking about frisbee is...well, Izzy is always thinking of frisbee. First thing in the morning, she runs out of her crate and out the front door, straight to the frisbee. When we're eating a meal, she sits at our feet and hold frisbee in her mouth, her brown puppy dog eyes silently pleading. Throw it, throw it. When we give in and throw frisbee outside, she goes nuts. It's like a different part of her dog brain takes over. Her eyes are glazed with near hysteria, the tip of her pink tongue peeks out through her front teeth, and she jumps. oh the jumping. I swear the dog has springs in her legs. She jumps as high as her little spring loaded legs will allow and reaches to catch frisbee in mid air. It's an obsession. Like any good dog owners, we give in. We allow her crazy little game to become a part of our daily routine. Time for a break from editing? Frisbee with Izzy. John comes home from work? Frisbee with Izzy. Ice cream after dinner? Nah, frisbee with Izzy instead. She's a nut, and we not only allow it, we encourage it. Eh, I suppose it could be worse. For now, we just enjoy our little routine with our nutty little dog.
Only took a few attempts for our self portrait to work. I finally put the frisbee on the camera to get her too look at it. Notice the look of pure love and elation on her face, bottom right. 

Izzy looking up at me from the front porch through the door. Expecting me to play her little game. A happy dog smile. Mad hops for a little girl.


Teresa said…
Yay Izzie! Gotta keep those parents of yours in good shape. ;)
Unknown said…
I absolutely LOVE this! Cade and I saw a wiener dog today and he said, "mom, she's cute! She looks like izzy!" he misses her so much! Thanks for posting this! I will show him in the morning!

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