Possible Gout and a Found Pickup

What an interesting day it has been! My foot has been hurting for the last week or so and so finally I went to the doctor to see what was up. After drawing blood to check for gout(sick) and a few x-rays to check for a stress fracture, I will find out the results next week. In the meantime, just deal with it. My sweet husband went with me to the doctor and the hospital and was driving me to Wal Mart to fill a prescription. As we were driving down the road, a tow truck drove by...with John's truck on it. For those of you that don't know, John's truck was stolen a couple of months ago. To see it being towed down the road was quite a shock. So what do you do when you see your stolen truck driving down the road? Naturally, we turned right around and followed the truck. We arrived at a junk yard and were able to tell the surprised driver the whole story. After we told him the situation, he told us where he had picked the truck up at. Apparently, the truck had been sitting in a parking lot of a different apartment complex not 5 miles from our apartment. He had been called there to unlock a vehicle and the maintenance man at the complex asked him to take this truck that had been sitting there for 3 weeks. He jsut happened to be passing through the same intersection as us at the exact right time. Once we figured out what was going on, he called the police, a cop came by and verified that John's truck was actually John's truck and the tow truck driver followed us home and dropped the truck off at our apartment, the very same parking lot that it was stolen from 2 months ago. The only thing that was missing was the battery. Unbelievable! John is extremely excited to have his truck back and we are excited to have a fun story to tel!


What a crazy story. Thanks for writing about it. Now we will remember it forever.

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