Buffalo Gap

Tonight at church John announced that we will be leaving Buffalo Gap at the end of May. We all knew that this would come, but it seems like it came so fast. I remember so clearly the first Wednesday night out there. We almost ran out of gas and the Gee's followed us to the gas station and bought us a tank of gas. We had just met them that night, they didn't know us from anyone. It didn't take us very long to feel right at home and I think I will always feel like Buffalo Gap is home. Funny how it's only been three years but I can't remember living in Abilene and not being a part of that church. There are so many precious people that I love dearly and will miss terribly. The kids in the youth group especially. They have given me great memories, I will hold them in a special place in my heart. Buffalo Gap has been the perfect place for John and I to grow and learn together and we will always be grateful. We still have 3 months and I plan on enjoying them to the fullest.


You are just so amazing Chels. I love you very much and I'm poud to be your sister. I'm so excited for you and John and for the life that is ahead of you. I love you!

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